Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture: Acupuncture involves the insertion and manipulation of acupuncture needles into specific points along channels or meridians in the body, influencing its blood flow to help treat a variety of conditions or diseases. The acupuncture channels are thought of as pathways that connect and correspond to each other and our body’s organs to create an intricate, energetic network. Chinese or East Asian medicine is a system that was developed and documented over 2,500 years ago and includes acupuncture and moxibustion as well as herbal medicine, tui na, qi gong exercises, and nutrition. Acupuncturists continue to conduct research and find relevance for this ancient medical practice to help treat conditions commonly found in modern times.
Herbal Prescription: A custom East Asian herbal prescription tailored to each individual patient’s needs. Chinese herbs can be prescribed as raw herbs or granules to make into a tea or as capsules.
Soft Tissue Techniques
Tui Na: A Soft Tissue Technique used in Chinese Medicine to treat the channels and sinews. There are multiple protocols that both doctors are trained to perform such as relaxation protocol and muscle protocols.
Gua Sha: A technique that is applied to reduce muscle adhesions and scar tissue through the use of instruments. This technique can be beneficial in treatment of the surrounding tissues in areas targeted for chiropractic adjustments as well as can aid in the healing of post surgical scar tissue.